“We don’t heal in isolation, but in community.” – S. Kelley Harrell

The following are some professional organizations, websites, blogs, and social media pages I have found to be helpful on my journey to recovery. All are highly recommended for treatment resources and community support.

The Mighty

Useful articles and videos created by and for an open community of contributors and readers with disabilities, disease, and mental illness.

Website: themighty.com
Facebook/Instagram/Twitter/Pinterest: @themightysite

Project Semicolon

A suicide prevention, support, and mental health awareness community founded in 2013 by Amy Bleuel based on the semicolon; this is a punctuation mark used when an author decides to join two related independent clauses into one sentence instead of adding a period and ending the sentence; this symbolizes choosing to continue on with your life as opposed to ending it; . . .
Website: projectsemicolon.org
Facebook/YouTube: @projectsemicolon
Instagram: @projsemicolon

To Write Love On Her Arms. (TWLOHA)

Mission Statement: “To Write Love on Her Arms is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury, and suicide. TWLOHA exists to encourage, inform, inspire, and also to invest directly into treatment and recovery.”
Website: twloha.com
Facebook: @towriteloveonherarms
Instagram/Twitter/Pinterest: @twloha
YouTube: @TWLOHA

International OCD Foundation (IOCDF)

The largest organization dedicated to the treatment and research of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Annually holds the world’s largest OCD conference and provides programs and online resources throughout the year.
Website: iocdf.org
Facebook/Instagram/Twitter: @iocdf


Facebook support community for OCD sufferers and their friends and family.
Facebook: @EverythingOCD